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LA to LI

Beautifully Supportive European Medicine

by Boiron® of France

Each pellet has a light, sugary taste. 3 ingredients make up each remedy - the single ingredient listed in the title, usually a plant or a mineral, with sucrose and lactose filling out the space to make a pellet. Special order from a selection of over 1600 remedies and dilutions. Orders take 2 to 3 days to arrive in stock.

Single Medicine Tubes, 80 Pellets Each
5 pellets per dose
3c to 30c, 4x to 30x - $1100
200ck, 1m, 10m, 200x - $1400

Lac Caninum 6c
Lac Caninum 9c
Lac Caninum 30c
Lac Caninum 200ck
Lac Caninum 8x
Lac Defloratum 30c
Lachesis Mutus 5c
Lachesis Mutus 6c
Lachesis Mutus 7c
Lachesis Mutus 9c
Lachesis Mutus 12c
Lachesis Mutus 15c
Lachesis Mutus 30c
Lachesis Mutus 200ck
Lachesis Mutus 1m
Lachesis Mutus 10m
Lachesis Mutus 8x
Lachesis Mutus 30x
Lachnanthes Tinctoria 6c
Lachnanthes Tinctoria 9c
Lachnanthes Tinctoria 30c
Lacticum Acidum 6c
Lacticum Acidum 30c
Lactuca Virosa 30c
Lathyrus Sativus 30c
Laurocerasus 30c
Ledum Palustre 5c
Ledum Palustre 6c
Ledum Palustre 9c
Ledum Palustre 12c
Ledum Palustre 15c
Ledum Palustre 30c
Ledum Palustre 200ck
Ledum Palustre 1m
Ledum Palustre 10m
Ledum Palustre 6x
Ledum Palustre 30x
Lemna Minor 6c
Lemna Minor 30c
Lilium Tigrinum 6c
Lilium Tigrinum 30c
Lilium Tigrinum 200ck
Lithium Carbonicum 30c
Lithium Carbonicum 200ck

Updated April 25th, 2024